
Muncak Sea Binocular, Instagramable Hill in Pesawaran, Lampung


INDEPHEDIA.com - If you want to see the beauty of nature and the blue of the sea coming from the top of the hills, just come to Muncak Teropong Laut (Muncak Sea Binocular) in Muncak Village, Teluk Pandan District, Pesawaran Regency, Lampung Province, Indonesia.

This tourism destination not far from Bandarlampung City is called "Muncak Teropong Laut" because it is located above the hills, and provides a beautiful view of the blue sea. The name Muncak also comes from the location of the hill in Muncak Village. Here, you can also see the atmosphere of Telukbetung City and Teluk Pandan Subdistrict, Pesawaran, around it from the top of the hill.

Activities offered at this tourist attraction surrounded by pine trees are various Instagramable photo spots. No wonder that most of those who come to this place are young people from millennial generation. The visitors many who capture the beauty of the
Muncak Sea Binocular and surrounding areas. The price of admission to the Muncak Sea Binocular tourist attraction is cheap, only IDR 5,000 per motorbike and IDR 10,000 for a car.

If you are looking for good photo spots, the best time is recommended at sunrise or at sunset. The light is not too bright and there is a silhouette of yellowing sunlight.

Access to get there is not too difficult. If you depart from Bandarlampung City, it is only 12 kilometers away or around 30 minutes away. Because to get to
Muncak Sea Binocular there is no public transportation, visitors are advised to use private vehicles or motorcycle taxis from residents around the location of the tourist destination. (WS.IN/ENG/*)
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