
Silk Road; Term and Its Role in Civilization


INDEPHEDIA.com - The Silk Road is an ancient international trade route in Asia originating from Chinese civilization that connects West and East.

During this time, this route connected and brought together traders from the west and east to carry out activities, especially trading.

Apart from traders, the Silk Road was also traversed by travelers, monks, warriors, nomads using caravans and ships.

The Silk Road itself did not have a track in the form of a major road, but a route that branched off and at that time could only be passed by caravans.

This line connected Chang'an, People's Republic of China, with Antioch, Syria, as well as other places at various times.

The Silk Road divided into northern and southern routes and extended from the trading centers of North China and South China.

The northern route of the line passed through the Bulgar-Kipchak to Eastern Europe and the Crimean Peninsula, the Black Sea, Sea of Marmara and the Balkans to Venice.

The southern route went through Turkestan-Khorasan to Mesopotamia and Anatolia, Antioch in South Anatolia, on to the Mediterranean Sea or through the Levant to Egypt and North Africa.

The Term Silk Road

The term 'Silk Road' was first used by the German researcher or geographer, Ferdinand von Richthofen, in the 18th century AD.

Ferdinand von Richthofen named this route 'The Silk Road' because of the trading commodities from China, which mostly consisted of silk.

The ancient Silk Road had its own glory in its time. Because, with this route that extends from Asia to Europe, civilizations on a number of continents can meet.

The existence of this pathway not only has a role in the economic sector, but also in other fields, such as culture, religion to science.

World Heritage Site

Due to its historical value, the 5,000-kilometer Silk Road from China to the Zhetsyu region was designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site on June 22, 2014.

The road network formed by the Silk Road, according to UNESCO, as a whole has a length of up to 35 thousand kilometers.

Some of the routes have been used for thousands of years, long before AD to AD or Anno Domini (AD).

It is known, trading activities on the Silk Road increased around the 2nd century BC (BC) and continued to be utilized by international trade until the 16th century AD. (SJ/IND)

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