
The Malacca Sultanate: Founder, Origins, Progress Until Its Fall


INDEPHEDIA.com - The Sultanate of Malacca or Melaka is a kingdom that once stood in the 15th century AD in Melaka, Malaysia.

The Malacca Sultanate was founded by Parameswara (Sanskrit: Parama means most powerful and Iswara means king).

In his genealogy, Parameswara is the son of Seri Rana Wira Kerma, a descendant of King Sriwijaya.

Parameswara is a Malay Hindu who after converting to Islam changed his name to Muhammad Iskandar Syah or Iskandar Syah.

Previously, Iskandar Syah was the King of Singapore. However, due to Majapahit attacks from Java and Siam, the King of Singapore moved his government center to Malacca.

The Origin of the Name Malacca

The name "Malacca" itself comes from the name of a tree (Malay: Pokok Melaka) or Phyllanthus Emblica.

Based on other records, the name Malacca comes from Arabic, malakat (congregation of merchants) or trade group/community.

International Trade Port

In the decades following the founding of the Malacca Sultanate, the city became bustling and developed into an international trading port.

At that time, there were dozens of languages spoken in Malacca. The city became an important port in the far east during the 16th century AD.

Decline and Collapse of the Malacca Sultanate

The decline and collapse of the Malacca Sultanate occurred during the reign of Sultan Mahmud Syah (1488-1511). During his reign, many conquered areas broke away.

In 1511, the Portuguese war fleet led by Alfonso d'Albuqerque managed to control and end the glory of the Malacca Sultanate.

Even though he had risen and continued to fight by attacking the Portuguese position in Malacca, Sultan Mahmud Syah failed.

According to Sulalatus Salatin, Sultan Mahmud Syah was replaced by his son Sultan Alauddin Syah who lived in Pahang before settling in Johor.

In later times, the heirs of the Sultan of Malacca after Sultan Mahmud Syah, they were better known as the Sultan of Johor. (SJ/IND)

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