
Lampung Develops Coffee, Pepper and Cocoa Agro Tourism


Tourists who are interested in agrotourism offered by Lampung can visit the tourist attraction directly as desired.

INDEPHEDIA.com - Lampung Province, Indonesia, has echoed the development of the mainstay of commodity-based agro tourism in the form of coffee, pepper, and cocoa, to attract tourist visits.

The plantation sector in Lampung, besides still being the main driver of regional economic growth, is also a tourist attraction, such as the development of coffee-based agro-tourism in West Lampung Regency, pepper-based agro-tourism in East Lampung Regency, and cocoa agro-tourism in Pesawaran District.

Development of agrotourism in Lampung due to robusta coffee producers originating from West Lampung Regency, pepper producers in East Lampung Regency, and cocoa producers in Pesawaran District, the three districts have the potential to develop reliable commodities.

To develop its Agrotourism, Lampung Provincial Government (Pemprov) underwent cooperation with tour travel agencies, hospitality, tourism recreation areas so that the tourism industry in Lampung helped to disseminate information that Lampung also has agro tourism which has its own charm.

Tourists who are interested in agrotourism offered by Lampung can visit the tourist attraction directly as desired. Tourists can see coffee, pepper and cocoa plantations. You can also pick directly or taste the produce of the plantation in the area that has been served. (NW.IN/SD/*)
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