
Names Discoverers and Their Findings


Charles Goodyear, Inventor of Rubber Tire Vulcanization

INDEPHEDIA.com - Today we should be grateful because thanks to these inventors, many benefits have been felt, both directly and indirectly for everyday life. Although some of their findings are not useful for us, many of them are useful and useful for others.

Who are they who have rendered services to this world for their findings? Below INDEPHEDIA.com summarizes the names of the inventors, country of origin and findings.

  1. Cai Lun (China), Finding: Paper
  2. Friedrich Karl von Drais (Germany), Finding: Bicycles
  3. Alexander Graham Bell (United States), Findings: Telephone (Old Version), LPs
  4. C. Marconi (Italy), Findings: Radio, 1895
  5. Manfred von Ardenne (Germany), Finding: Television
  6. James Watt (UK), Invention: Steam Engine (1765)
  7. J.L. Baird & C.F. Jenkins (UK), Finding: Television (1920)
  8. Johannes Gutenberg (Germany), Findings: The printing press
  9. Johann Philipp Reis (Germany), Findings: Telephone
  10. Rene Laennec (France), Findings: Stethoscope
  11. Alessandro Volta (Italy), Findings: Batteries
  12. Zacharias Janssen, Findings: Microscopes, 1590
  13. Thomas Alva Edison (United States), Finding: Electric Light
  14. Albert Einstein (Germany), Findings: Theory of Relativity
  15. Alfred Nobel (Sweden), Discovery: Dynamite
  16. Antonie van Leeuwenhook (Netherlands), Findings: Lenses
  17. Antonio Meucci (Italy), Findings: Telephone (New Version 2002)
  18. Artur Fischer (Germany), Findings: Dowel Fischer
  19. Benjamin Franklin (United States), Finding: Eyeglass Lenses.
  20. Benjamin Holt (United States), Findings: Tractors
  21. Blaise Pascal (France), Findings: Computing Machines
  22. Charles Goodyear (United States), Findings: Rubber Tire Vulcanization
  23. Christian Buschmann (Germany), Findings: Harmonics and Accordions
  24. Christopher Sholes (United States), Discovery: A QWERTY Typewriter, 1868
  25. Cornelius van Drebbel (Netherlands), Findings: Submarine Dmitri Mendeleev (Russia), Findings: Periodic Table
  26. Diophantus (Greece), Findings: Algebra (author of Arithmetic)
  27. Edward Jenner (UK), Findings: Developing Smallpox Vaccine Research
  28. Elis G. Otis (United States), Findings: Elevator / Lift Brakes
  29. Emil Berliner (Germany / America), Findings: LPs
  30. Fritz Pfleumer (Germany), Findings: Audio Tape / Recording Tape
  31. George Eastman (United States), Discovery: Roll Film and founder of `` Kodak, '' 1888
  32. Ernest Swinton (UK), Findings: Tanks
  33. Ernst August Friedrich Ruska (Germany), Finding: Electron Microscope
  34. Evangelista Torricelli (Italy), Findings: Mercury Barometer
  35. Felix Hoffmann (Germany), Finding: Aspirin
  36. Frank Whittle (UK), Discovery: Turbo Jet Engine
  37. Galileo Galilei (Italy) Finding: Thermometer, 1593
  38. Gottlieb Daimler (Germany), Findings: Cars and Internal Combustion Engines
  39. Hans Lippershey (Germany), Finding: Telescope
  40. Hans von Ohain (Germany), Invention: Jet Engines
  41. Henrich Focke (Germany), Developer of Turbo Shaft Propulsion Systems for Helicopters
  42. Heinrich Gobel (Germany), Finding: Orbs of Light
  43. Heinrich Hertz (Germany), Findings: Theory of Electromagnetic Waves of Light and Electromagnetics
  44. Hans Lippershey (Netherlands), Findings: Telescopes, 1608
  45. Hugo Junkers (Germany), Findings: Aircraft made of metal and the application of diesel motors for flight
  46. Igor Ivanovich Sikorsky (Ukraine), Findings: Modern Helicopters
  47. Irving Langmuir (America), Findings: Incandescent Wire and High Vacuum Tubes
  48. Isaac Newton (UK), Finding: The Law of Gravity
  49. Jacques Charles (France), Findings: Hydrogen Balloons
  50. Josep and J. Montgolfier (France), Findings: Hot air balloons
  51. Joseph Lister, 1st Baron Lister (UK), Findings: Antiseptics for surgery
  52. Julius Lothar Meyer (Germany), Findings: Periodic Table of the Chemical Elements
  53. Karlheinz Brandenburg, Finding: MP3 technology.
  54. Levi Strauss (Germany), Finding: Jeans material
  55. Louis Daguerre (France), Findings: Daguerreotype Photographic Processes
  56. Louis Jacques Monde da Guerre (France), Findings: Daguerreotype Photographic Processes
  57. Edwin Land (United States), Finding: Polaroid Camera
  58. Louis Pasteur (France), Findings: Vaccinations
  59. Melitta Bentz (Germany), Findings: The First Coffee Filter
  60. Michael Faraday (England), Finding: Dinamo (1831)
  61. Murdocks (UK), Findings: Trains
  62. Nikolaus Otto (Germany), Findings: Internal Combustion Engines
  63. Nicolaus Copernicus (Poland), Findings: Theory of Heliocentrism
  64. Nikola Tesla (Serbia), Findings: Electric Motors
  65. Konrad Zuse (Germany), Findings: Computers
  66. Otto Hahn (Germany), Findings: Nuclear Fission
  67. Otto Lilienthal (Germany), Discovery: Invent Gliding Flight
  68. Peter Henlein, Discovery: Pocket Watch
  69. Rudolf Diesel (United States) Discovery: Combustion Engine (Diesel Engine), 1897
  70. Rudolf Hell (Germany), initiator of the initial mechanism for sending and scanning documents on a fax machine
  71. Robert Boyle, John Walker, Discovery: Matches
  72. Robert Fulton (United States), Findings: Fire Ships, 1807
  73. Samuel Hahnemann (Germany), Findings: Homeopathy
  74. Samuel F. B. Morse (United States), Findings: Telegraph, 1837
  75. Thomas Alva Edison (United States), Findings: Light Bulbs, Film Projector, 1893
  76. Wernher Von Braun (Germany / America), Findings: Rocket Technology Developers
  77. Werner von Siemens (Germany), Findings: Siemens Electric and Telecommunications Company
  78. Wilbur and 0rville Wright (United States), Findings: Airplanes
  79. Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen (Germany), Finding: X-rays.
  80. Williarn Sturgeon (UK), Finding: Electromagnets, 1823
  81. Willis Haviland Carrier (United States), Findings: Modern Air Conditioners
  82. BJ Habibie (Indonesia), Findings: Crack Propagation Theory
  83. Dr Khoirul Anwar (Indonesia), Findings: Inventor of the Two FFT Concept Used in 4G LTE
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