
Komodo, Rare Protected Animals From Indonesia

Photo Source: Komodo National Park (KNP) Doc

INDEPHEDIA.com - Komodo dragons or Komodo dragons (Varanus komodoensis) are rare animals in the world whose original species only exist and are found in Indonesia.

The largest species from the Varanidae family is found on the islands of Komodo, Rinca, Flores, Gili Motang and Gili Dasami in the Province of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT).

Komodo Discovery History

Although it was already known by local residents, the Komodo dragon was first documented by Europeans in 1910.

The name of the Komodo dragon expanded after Pieter Antonie Ouwens, director of the Zoological Museum in Buitenzorg (now Bogor) in 1912 published a journal about the Komodo dragon after receiving a photo of the reptile's skin.

Then, in 1926, W. Douglas Burden undertook an expedition to Komodo Island to find out more about the Komodo dragon's existence.

After returning with 12 preserved specimens and 2 live Komodo dragons, this expedition provided the inspiration for the 1933 film King Kong.

W. Douglas Burden was the first to give the name "Komodo dragon" to this animal.

Three of the Komodo dragon specimens he obtained were preserved and became display animals which are still kept in the American Museum of Natural History.

Behavior, Food and Reproduction

In their habitat, Komodo dragons are active from noon to evening, especially in open grasslands (savana) and scrub forests, sometimes also on the coast.

In obtaining food, Komodo dragons eat other animals (carnivores). However, these monitor lizards often eat carrion.

Komodo eats its prey by tearing large chunks of meat, then swallowing it whole, while its forelimbs hold the prey's body.

For prey that is small to the size of a goat, sometimes the Komodo dragon eats it in one go.

Entering the reproductive period (mating season), male dragons sometimes fight with other males to fight over females and their territory.

The mating season for Komodo dragons, which are monogamous (has one partner), usually lasts from May to August.

Female Komodo dragons usually lay their eggs in holes in the ground, depressions in hillsides or abandoned mounds of orange-footed charred bird nests.

Vulnerable to Extinction

Komodo dragons or Komodo dragons, which in the local language of Komodo Island are called Ora, are vulnerable to extinction.

Habitat destruction, fires, reduced prey, increased tourism, poaching, fires and other natural disasters make the Komodo dragon even more vulnerable to extinction.

Komodo has been designated as a protected animal by the Indonesian government

To protect the Komodo dragon population and its ecosystem on several islands, including Komodo, Rinca and Padar, the Indonesian government established the Komodo National Park in 1980. (*)

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