
This is Sound Contents Kedukan Inscription on Heritage Hill The Sriwijaya Kingdom


INDEPHEDIA.com - The Kedukan Bukit Inscription is one of the inscribed stones left by the Sriwijaya Kingdom, a maritime kingdom in Indonesia.

The Kedukan Bukit inscription was found at Kedukan Bukit, 35 Ilir Village, Palembang City, South Sumatra Province (South Sumatra), on November 29, 1920.

His discovery was right on the banks of the Tatang River, a tributary of the Musi River, by a Dutchman named C. J. Batenburg.

The charter contains inscriptions using Pallawa and Old Malay letters made of stone with a size of 45 × 80 cm or 18 inches × 31 inches.

The stone inscription was successfully translated 4 years later after it was found. The translator was a Malay language expert named Philippus Samuel van Ronkel.

The following is the text of the Kedukan Bukit Inscription
  1. svasti śrī śakavaŕşātīta 605 ekādaśī śukla-
  2. klapakşa vulan vaiśākha ḍapunta hiyaṃ nāyik di
  3. sāmvau mangalap siddhayātra di saptamī śuklapakşa
  4. vulan jyeşţha ḍapunta hiyaṃ maŕlapas dari minānga
  5. tāmvan mamāva yaṃ vala dua lakşa dangan kośa
  6. duaratus cāra di sāmvau dangan jālan sarivu
  7. tlurātus sapulu dua vañakña dātaṃ di mata jap (mukha upaṃ)
  8. sukhacitta di pañcamī śuklapakşa vulan... (āsāḍha)
  9. laghu mudita dātaṃ marvuat vanua ...
  10. śrīvijaya jaya siddhayātra subhikşa nityakāla
Meaning/Meaning of the Text of the Kedukan Bukit Inscription
  1. Happy ! Śaka's year passed 605, on the eleventh day
  2. half-moonlight Waiśakha Dapunta Hiyang rides on
  3. the canoe takes the siddhayatra. on the seventh half-bright day
  4. month Jyestha Dapunta Hiyang left Minanga
  5. Tamwan brought an army of two laksa with supplies
  6. two hundred ways (crates) in a canoe with a thousand walks
  7. three hundred and twelve in number came in jap eyes (Mukha Upang)
  8. joy on the fifth half-moon day....(Asada)
  9. relieved happy to come make wanua....
  10. Śrīwijaya is victorious, siddhayātra is perfect....
The Kedukan Bukit inscription is currently kept at the National Museum of Indonesia, DKI Jakarta, with number D.146.

Apart from the Kedukan Bukit Inscription, other heritages of the Sriwijaya Kingdom include the Kota Kapur Inscription, the Telaga Batu Inscription, the Karang Berahi Inscription, the Palas Pasemah Inscription, the Talang Tuo Inscription, the Hujung Langit Inscription, the Ligor Inscription and the Leiden Inscription.

Then, other relics of the Sriwijaya Kingdom also exist in the form of a temple found in Muara Takus Village, Kampar Regency, Riau Province. This temple is known as Muara Takus Temple. (*)

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